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Contrast echocardiography is a useful diagnostic technique in the assessment of cardiac structure and function that uses several substances known as echo-enhanced or echocardiographic contrasts, to enhance the signal of the ultrasounds improving the diagnostic performance.

Free gas bubbles technique

These micro bubbles don’t have their own wall, so the diffusion of the gas is fast, and the contrast time is very limited. Under normal conditions they don’t cross the pulmonary filter. The contrast effect is produced by the injection of the substance at high speed into the bloodstream which causes micro bubbles. This is achieved by the rapid intravenous injections of saline solution and dextrose.


  • There are no differences with the technique described in the adult Doppler echocardiogram
  • The contrast is administered in a peripheral vein.
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes, is painless, free from complications and provides additional information to complete the cardiac diagnosis.