



Agendar cita

+502 23139999


lun a vier de 7am a 6pm

sab de 8am a 12pm


Process for Patients with Insurance

  • Every patient must bring the carnet issued by the insurance company, with no exception.
  • Cardio Care will contact the insurance company to validate the information and provide the service.
  • Cardio Care will provide you with a form, which should be completed at each appointment.
  • It is indispensable to perform a three-channel electrocardiogram (ECG) in the first consultation and once a year as a process established by Cardio Care, the price is Q.40.00
  • The co-payment the patient must pay for any consultation is Q.70.00, plus the percentage of the ECG in case its necessary 
  • For diagnostic studies that are performed at Cardio Care, the authorization will be processed internally and in cases where the diagnostic studies are performed in other diagnostic centers or laboratories, the patient must make the corresponding procedure.
  • If the insurance company does not cover the medical consultation or other diagnostic study, Cardio Care will fill you out a claim form.